Are You Ready to Experience Real Magic?

Magical realms and the creatures who inhabit them are more than just faëry stories to delight children—they are a practical, everyday reality here on Planet Earth that much of the West is ignoring.

Beneath the noise of everyday life lies a wild and beautiful reality.

But you don’t have to believe me.

(In fact, I’d prefer if you didn’t.)

It’s not a question of belief. It’s a question of experience.

If you haven’t experienced the magic of the Otherworld, the mystic reality of Divine encounters, or the Mysterious power of the creative forces of the Universe…

You may find it impossible to imagine the Truth.

magical community surrounded by sacred geometry, the mystery of the cosmos, and beautiful nature images

Join the Conscious Community

Beneath the humdrum of everyday life is a greater reality that’s often difficult to share with those who have not experienced it for themselves.

In this community, we come together to train to experience a mythic reality beyond the everyday world and share our experiences with those who understand.

Modern mystics don't run away to live on mountaintops. We do the work of reclaiming our magic right here in the everyday world.

Together we share the travels and travails of being awake, learning the tools of consciousness that help us experience greater joy, power, freedom, beauty, and magic!

If you’re ready to step into your magic in a real and powerful way, join the Heretics around the world who are TRAINING for the new evolution of Planet Earth.

Join the Inner Sanctum of Heretics

Upgrade now to get full access to Secrets of a Magical Life, including…

  • Heretic Reading Circle exploring books that expand sacred awareness, deepen connection with the natural world, and teach real magic.

  • Community Energy Magic to help you embody your power, clear your energy field, and experience your birthright.

  • Heretic Happy Hour with kindred souls in a safe-to-be-yourself space.

  • Powerful lessons on how to train your unique magic, embody your Soul, walk your Path, connect with Nature, and more.

  • Insider access to the complete archive of lessons, posts, and videos.

  • Full participation in the growing community of Heretics around the world who are embracing the magic of our birthrights as humans.

    Become a Heretic

Subscribe to Mystery, Magic & Mayhem

Exploring the magic that's possible for humans Planet Earth through cheeky, vulnerable sharing of my work as an author who translates and transmits Divine energies, mystic experiences, sacred stories, and ancient Wisdom.


Bringing together history, magic & Mystery to explore awakening, the nature of reality, Divine encounters & deep gnosis. Visionary fiction author, sacred adventure guide, magical mentor & modern mystic embracing the magic of being human.